(E&PU) Saint Gervais front top.

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Paris Right Bank: The top of the front of the Saint Gervais church (XVI-XVII century), with its roof, its statues and its bell tower, which rises among the surrounding buildings, as view from faraway. There was a typical beautiful Parisian sky with sun and clouds.<br />
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Paris Right Bank: The top of the front of the Saint Gervais church (XVI-XVII century), with its roof, its statues and its bell tower, which rises among the surrounding buildings, as view from faraway. There was a typical beautiful Parisian sky with sun and clouds.

You can download this file for (E&PU) only, but you can find in the collection the same one available instead for (Adv).

Filename: (E&PU\A) Saint Gervais front top (01204a).JPG