(E&PU) Mahabalipuram, 1996: The Bhima Ratha temple.

Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu: In the group of five Ratha temples, monolithic structures carved in the shape of chariots, that is located near to the south part of the town beach, the Bhima Ratha temple is the most massive and it has intricately carved parts. In fact, in the photo it can be compared with the two smallest Arjuna Ratha temple and Draupadi Ratha temple that follow it in the line, on the left. On the right, it is also visible a small part of the Dharmaraja Ratha temple, that opens...
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Filename: (E&PU/A) Mahabalipuram, 1996: The Bhima Ratha temple (india_bl_044).JPG
Copyright Barbara Coluzzi
Copyright Barbara Coluzzi