(PU) Giannutri – Argentario – The high coast near the Grottoni - A particular

Giannutri is an island near the promontory of Argentario, in the province of Grosseto, in Toscana. This the view of the inner part of a cove, taken in the trait of coast between the lighthouse and the Grottoni (the big caverns), where the coast is made of high rocks arising from the sea. The photo enhances the different hues of blue, from the dark blue of the sea just outside the cove to the nearly turquoise in the inner part of the cove, where one can distinguish the rocks on the seabed.
Filename: (PU) Giannutri – Argentario – The high coast near the Grottoni - A particular (02408A).JPG
Copyright Barbara Coluzzi
Copyright Barbara Coluzzi
Giannutri, Argentario, Grosseto, Toscana, Italy, Argentario’s promontory, island, rocks, high rocks, rocks arising from the sea, Mediterranean sea, calm sea, blue hues, dark blue, turquoise, cove, sea, seabed, sunny day, summer, coast, nature, tourism, background, background photo, background pic, personal use